One Whānau at a Time

A whānau driven movement. We collect koha kai & household goods and give them away to those in need.

A non-profit, community kaupapa.
Helping one whānau at a time.

One Whānau at a Time is focused on lifting the standards of living so all tamariki, kaumatua, whanau are off the ground, in warm beds, dry healthy homes and with the basic necessaties for living in these hard times. Founder, Papa Hone and his wahine Rachel, enter the houses of whanau that are struggling with the pressure of living in these times with high rent, high costs of living, high unemployment in the Far North of New Zealand. Our main focus is on the tamariki, their wellbeing is paramount to our kaupapa. We are a voice and stand up for the rights of the children and their whanau and provide them with basic needs in warm dry homes.

 For those that wish to give koha, please use our PayPal link below

Alternatively, you can do an internet transfer with the bank account details below.
Thank you for your generosity!


Bank details for donations: J Martin, Kiwibank, 38-9020-0022259-00

I can’t save the parents - they need to save themselves. But I do ask: will you let me save your children, will you let me help your whānau?
— Papa Hone, Founder, One Whānau at a Time

Founded by Papa Hone (Ngāpuhi, Te Atiawa, Tainui), One Whānau at a Time is focused on ensuring all New Zealand tamariki that are born into whanau struggling with living in substandard dwellings, in poverty, with addictions, violence that there is a way out.

Equipped with nothing more than a kōrero based from his own lived experience, Papa Hone and Rachel - affectionately known as English Rose - go into each home with an open mind and full heart to offer support and inspiration to the tamariki and whanau who are often being raised knowing no alternative.

Papa Hone says that although sometimes the parents in these homes are making the wrong decisions, stuck in the cycle of that world, he doesn’t want the same path for the children.

The work of One Whānau at a Time aims to be the catalyst to help to break the cycle. One Whānau at a Time mahi is made possible through generous donations from the community. The pūtea is used to provide tamariki in these homes with access to basic supplies, such as furniture, kai, and importantly a caring ear. They also help whanau get dwellings onto their own land to take the whanau out of the rental circuit to bring tamariki up on their own whenua.


One Whānau in the Community

 One Whānau in the Media


Are you interested in supporting One Whānau at a Time? Looking for support or want to refer a whānau that you know is in need? Or do you just want to reach out and kōrero about One Whānau at a Time? Please get in touch so we can kōrero further!